The freelance aviation reporting work has allowed to make contributions
to different magazines around the world. Some articles have been
published over recent years and can for instance be found in the
following magazines:
"Il-80 Maxdome, Russlands fliegender Befehlsstand"
German language article on Russian flying command posts variants
Published FLiEGER REVUE, issue 04/2002
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"Antonov An-22 Antheus, the turboprop giant"
English language article on the largest turboprop transport in the world
Published Airliner World, issue June 2001
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"Airventure '98"
German language article on the annual AirVenture gathering of airplanes in
Oshkosh, Wisconsin/USA.
Published FLiEGER REVUE, issue 10/1998
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Pictures and information has been used within
"Jane's All The World's Aircraft 1998-99"
Jane's Information Group, Yearbook and successive issues
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"MAKS '97, Meshdunarodni Aviakosmitscheski Salon"
English language article on the International Aerospace Exhibition in
Moscow MAKS'97 describing the situation of Russian aerospace
industry at that time.
Published EUROAVIA NEWS, issue Nr.1 1998
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Pictures have been used within the 'Gallery of Russian Aerospace Weapons'
in the AIR FORCE Magazine, issue March 1994 and later issues.
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